Spaying & Neutering

Spaying & Neutering

What are Spaying & Neutering mean?

Spaying & Neutering are surgeries for either Female or Male Pets.

  • Spaying: refers to the removal of the reproductive organs of female dogs and cats.
    Removes the uterus and ovaries of a female dog, usually after the age of six months. A major surgical procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Complications are rare and recovery normally is complete within two weeks.
  • Neutering: is the removal of the testicles in male dogs and cats.
    Also carried out under general anesthesia, removes the testicles of a male dog through an incision at the base of the scrotum. Usually performed when the puppy is about six months old. Full recovery takes about ten days.

The surgeries are always performed while the animal is under anesthesia. The animal may stay at the veterinarian’s office anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the animal’s size, age, and health. Depending on the procedure, the animal may need to have stitches removed after a few days.

Why should I Spay or Neuter my pet?

There are many health benefits to spaying and neutering your pet. the obvious benefits are not having heat periods and unwanted offspring. The animals’ tendency to roam will decrease. Most pets become less aggressive toward people and other animals as well. Other benefits of spaying and neutering are to help control the pet population and prevent unwanted pregnancies with this standard procedure.

  • For Females: They have a low to no risk of mammary gland tumors/cancer, pyometra, uterine/ovarian cancers, and uterine infections. The Spayed Females cat and dog do not have reproductive tract disease problems, and both are troubled with significantly fewer cases of mammary cancer and tumors.
    Females in good health can also have the surgery done when they are in heat or pregnant.
  • For Males: Neutering a male can help reduce marking/spraying, aggression, prostate cancer, and unwanted roaming. The Neutered Male Cat’s urine will have decreased odor, they will have less of a tendency to fight and roam, and it will not be wanting to mark its territory by spraying urine.

    The Neutered Male Dog
    is also less likely to roam, mark territory, and display aggression toward other dogs. Dogs will have fewer prostrate problems, tumors around the anus, and a decreased urine odor.

At what age should I get my pet spayed or neutered?

Dogs and cats approximately 6 months old should be considered for spaying or neutering. It is beneficial to get your female animal spayed before their first heat cycle, spaying a pet, when they are in heat, requires extra attention. Extra attention is also required for lactating, pregnant, and overweight pets.

How long will the procedure take?

We ask that you withhold food and water after 10:00 pm the night before the procedure. At the time of admission, your pet will receive a presurgical exam so the doctor can check your animal’s vital signs and make sure your pet is stable enough to go under anesthesia for the procedure. You will be offered optional, but highly recommended, procedures, such as pre-anesthetic blood work, upgraded anesthesia gas, laser therapy, pre-anesthetic EKG, and pain medicine. These procedures, should you choose to get them for your pet, will incur additional charges. Pets that are admitted for spays/neuters are typically ready to go home after 4:00 pm the same day.

For any questions about your Pet, Don’t be Shy to talk with your lovely Veterinarians Team in AAA Animal Hospital,
as to what is best for your pet. We’ll be more happy to answer all your concerns at 714-536-6537
Or Contact Us to Send your Message Or You can Make an Appointment at any time!

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AAA Animal Hospital Huntington Beach