
Pets Surgery

What is the Surgery?

Surgery is available for canines and felines at our animal clinic. All pets are required to have a presurgical exam, the day of the procedure prior to any

How Do I Prepare My Pet?

All pets admitted for surgery are requested to have food and water withheld, from 10:00pm the night before the procedure. Pets typically go home after 4:00pm the same day of the procedure.

What Else We Can Do For Your Pet?

Aside from spaying and neutering we offer a wide variety of procedures. Our on-staff doctors are able to perform most surgeries that will recommend for your pet. We also work closely with an orthopedic surgeon, who will come into our facility to perform specific specialty surgeries, that will recommend by one of our doctors.

For any questions about your Pet, Don’t be Shy to talk with your lovely Veterinarians Team in AAA Animal Hospital,
as to what is best for your pet. We’ll be more happy to answer all your concerns at 714-536-6537
Or Contact Us to Send your Message Or You can Make an Appointment at any time!

Contact Info
AAA Animal Hospital Huntington Beach